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Welcome to the Solas Configurator

Please select the options below that best suit your needs. To request the selected options, fill in your contact details at the bottom and click submit. I'll add you to the orders list and contact you to confirm order and payment details.

The preset values are for a typical A1200 setup in a standard A1200 case. To reset all the options to the standard A1200 set, please click the button below.

Full details on using the various options can be found in The Solas Manual.

Cost (Each)
Total Cost
Solas Board

Select the type of Solas board required based on how you intend to install the board in your Amiga.

Solas Manual Link

DIY kit options are also available.

Standard A1200 motherboard mounting


A1200-mounted Solas
This board mounts directly on the A1200 motherboard clockport. It is very unlikely to physically fit any other clockport.


Clockport cable fitting


Clockport cable connected Solas

This version has a pin header instead of the socket for connecting to the host machine. It is intended for connecting using a clockport cable, e.g. A500 with a clockport adaptor or Zorro machines with clockports on a Zorro card. It is also useful for A1200 systems where fitting directly on the port isn't possible, e.g. towered systems fitted with a Mediator busboard.

Note that the built-in clockport splitter will only work when connected to the standard A1200 motherboard port.

ISA carrier board mounting


ISA carrier-mounted Solas

This board is intended to be mounted directly on the ISA carrier board designed by Kavanoz. This carrier has a pin header clockport like the A1200, but also sockets for the power and audio connectors. Therefore, this version of Solas has the pins for the audio connector and one of the power connectors mounted on the underside of the board instead.

Note that this presents a significant risk of shorting the power connector if it's used in any configuration other than on the carrier board.

LED Strip

Select the LED strip(s) required. Solas supports up to two LED strips, and is also compatible with standard PC ARGB LED accessories, should you wish to use those instead.

Solas Manual Link

Qty   Standard strip


Standard LED strip
These basic LED strips are intended for use in a standard A1200 case. They use common flexible, self-adhesive LED strips with a cable suitable for Solas. Strip is approximately 46.5cm long with 28 LEDs and a clear coating, cable is approximately 39cm.


Qty   Custom strip £TBD Some customisation of the standard strips. The length of the cable and length of the LEDs can be customised. Please note your requirements in the comments at the end. Note that the price will have to be confirmed manually.
Extra Clockports Adaptor

The three extra clockports on Solas require additional signals to work. Select a suitable adaptor if required. Note that the extra clockports will only work on the standard A1200 clockport.

Solas Manual Link

DIY kit options are also available.



No adaptor required - Solas is being connected to a non-A1200 clockport, an alternative adaptor is already present, or the extra clockports aren't required


Kickstart ROM adaptor


ROM Adaptor for extra clockports

This adaptor fits underneath the U6B Kickstart ROM and provides A14/A15 to a header. Includes suitable cable to connect to Solas.

Gayle adaptor


Gayle adaptor for extra clockports

This adaptor fits on top of the Gayle custom chip and provides the A14/A15 signals to a header. This adaptor also includes a reset header. Includes suitable cable to connect to Solas.

Note: This adaptor is not yet available.

Cable only


Cable for Gayle adaptor

This is just the cable required to connect from a Gayle adaptor to Solas. Useful if you already have a Gayle adaptor that provides A14/A15 on a standard pin header.

Temperature Sensors

Solas supports up to two LM35-type sensors, and can use these to report temperatures in a commodity on Workbench as well as controlling the fan speed. These have a sticky thermal pad for attaching to whatever you wish to monitor.

Solas Manual Link

Qty   15cm


15cm temperature sensor
15cm sensor, e.g. for monitoring scandoubler temperature in standard A1200 setup


Qty   20cm


20cm temperature sensor
20cm sensor, e.g. for monitoring accelerator CPU temperature in standard A1200 setup
Qty   Custom


Custom length, made to order, e.g. for custom cases, towers, other Amiga models. Please specify the length(s) required in the comments below.
Audio Pickup Cable

This cable is used to take an audio signal from the RF modulator on the A1200. Solas can react to an audio feed; this cable allows that in an A1200, but other setups will ned a more custom solution.

Solas Manual Link



No cable required - Solas is being used in a machine other than a standard A1200, or the audio reaction functionality isn't required


A1200 cable


Audio pickup cable

This cable connects to the mono audio feed available at the A1200 RF modulator using a spring clip. Note that if the modulator has been removed you may need to add a pin to the motherboard and add capacitors that may have been omitted during recapping.

A1200 Power & Drive Activity Cables

These two short cables connect Solas to the keyboard LED and floppy power connectors on the A1200 motherboard. Passthrough connectors are provided on Solas for connecting the original cables. Power connection is only required for using fans and longer LED strips. Drive activity LED cable is only required for Solas to react to drive activity.

Note that if the setup is anything other than a standard A1200, some alternative solution will be required.

Solas Manual Link



No cables required - Solas is being used in a machine other than a standard A1200, or the extra power and drive activity functionality isn't required


A1200 cables


A1200 power and drive activity passthrough cables

These cables connect from Solas to the A1200 motherboard connectors and provide additional power required for using fans and longer LED strips, and for Solas to know about floppy and hard drive activity.

Clockport cable

Select the length of clockport cable required for Solas board connected via cable or ISA carrier.

Solas Manual Link



No cable required, Solas will be mounted on the A1200 motherboard directly or you already have a suitable cable.




10cm clockport cable

10cm 22-pin clockport cable



15cm clockport cable

15cm 22-pin clockport cable



20cm clockport cable

20cm 22-pin clockport cable

Custom length


Custom-length 22-pin clockport cable. Please fill in the required length in the form below.

Note that cable lengths longer than 20cm can be unreliable.

Total cost: £0 (plus shipping)
If you would like to submit this request, please fill in the details below. I'll review the details and be in touch to confirm your request, give shipping costs, payment details and so on.
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