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Welcome to, my personal site for nerdy stuff. You can use the carefully hand-made buttons on the far left to browse the main categories, and if there are sub categories, these will be listed in a column to the left of this text. See? Easy!
This is a clockport device that adds a number of features to a clockport-equipped Amiga: It provides support for addressable RGB LED strips, temperature sensors, fan speed controller, clockport splitter and more. Read more...
WBCutnPaste is a small collection of ARexx scripts which add basic cut, copy and paste file operations to Workbench. Read more...
ADFer 1.3 is now available, which fixes a small issue found in version 1.2.
ADFer is a tool for reading and writing ADF disk images. It's based on the source code of the excellent ADF-Blitzer with a number of improvements. It has been renamed ADFer in order to maintain the distinction from the original ADF-Blitzer, which is still available to download from Aminet. Read more...
ISA Hard Drive Mount
This is a very simple ISA board with no actual electronics on it, purely for providing a useful mount for hard drives. It was designed for using in my Amiga 2000, and uses the ISA slots and the chassis backplate for support. The board is short enough to still allow half-length Zorro cards (e.g. the Buddha) to be used in line with it, and holes are provided for both 2.5" and 3.5" drives. Read more...
Ranchero is a pop-up notification system for Amiga OS3 systems. It allows any program with ARexx to pop notifications up on the Workbench screen without taking focus from the current window, and disappearing after a few seconds without any user interaction. It is intended to be similar to OS4's built-in Ringhio server, and provides a compatible ARexx interface so that Ringhio ARexx scripts should also work with Ranchero. Read more...
InstallerGen is a tool for creating basic installer scripts for the AmigaOS Installer using a simple and comfortable GUI. The hope is that it will help more people release Amiga software with proper, user-friendly installer scripts, and take some of the legwork away from developers intending to write their own scripts from scratch.

Version 1.5 is now available, which includes a couple of bug fixes over previous versions. Read more...

PaletteEd is a tool for creating and editing standard IFF ILBM palette objects. The idea was to make it easier to copy around chunks of pens in order to make it easier to set up palettes while coding games, e.g. mapping sprite pens. It allows copying and pasting of multiple pens at once, moving, swapping, spreading, and insertion of other palettes from external files or other screens.
Version 1.2 is now available, fixing a bug with the menus appearing in all black, and added standard HTML colour recognition and selection. Read more...
This is a simple adaptor that allows the connection of Zorro-II cards to the Amiga 500's sidecar expansion slot. Since this connection is mostly compatible with Zorro-II, the Z-500 is mainly a simple physical adaptor with a couple of signal alterations. A passthrough connector is also provided for using sidecar expansions in addition to the Zorro-II card. Read more...
My first Zorro-II card! Actually, it's not a true Zorro-II card in that it's invisible to the AutoConfig system and doesn't require any Zorro-II space. But it borrows the various signals required to provide an A1200-style clockport, as well as three extra clockports in the Z-IV busboard standard address range. This will allow clockport add-ons to be attached to a big-box Amiga relatively cheaply. It also provides PCB space for adding a RTC chip and associated parts, which could be useful to replace damaged circuitry in an Amiga suffering damage from a leaked clock battery. Read more...
New Clockport Splitter!
I've finally turned my 15-year-old clockport splitter design and prototype into an actual thing! Now it fits neatly onto my A1200 motherboards, letting me use multiple devices together. Now, if only I had the time to make some clockport peripherals... Click here to read more.
SMBMounter is a simple little front-end for the immensely useful SMBFS, a little command line utility for mounting SMB shared in AmigaOS. It runs as a commodity, keeps a list of your favourite shares, and mounts and unmounts them with a click.

Version 1.5 is now available which fixes a couple of bugs and adds a delayed retry to failed automounts. Read more...

ControllerTest Updated
ControllerTest is a small tool for testing all sorts of controllers on classic Amigas. Version 1.2 is now available, which fixes a bug that caused crashes when no FPU was found, and improves detection of analogue controllers. Click here to read more.
MyAssigns is a tool for managing the assigns on your system. It allows the user to view and edit all current assigns, as well as easily editing the startup-sequence and user-startup assigns. It supports OS3, OS4 and MorphOS specific assigns.

MyAssigns 1.0 is now available in the downloads section! Read more...

ExtractHere is a simple tool for Workbench 3 that allows you to extract LhA archives in place just by double-clicking their icon. Read more...
Being quite interested in Elite: Dangerous (and flight sims in general), I decided to build my own button box to add new controls for use in these games to complement my trusty T-Flight HOTAS-X controller. Read more...
New Backend!!
Woohoo! I've finally moved the site onto a new backend. It doesn't look any different except for a few tweaks here and there, but it's much nicer and easier to manage behind the scenes. The management side of it's still a work in progress, but the whole display engine is now dynamically laying out the content for your pleasure!
Contact Page now has a Contact Page! You can use it to send me messages, enquiries, comments or whatever. You can find it here.
Downloads Section now has a dedicated downloads page where you can find all the files I currently have available. Just like a real website! Click here to go to the Downloads page.
EDColourEd is a project I'm currently working on that allows the editing of the HUD colours in Elite: Dangerous, as well as the import and export of HUD configurations, the backup and restoration of both HUD config files and custom key bindings, and editing of Field of View beyond the settings possible with the in-game settings, which can be useful for people using super-large or multi-monitor setups.

I've uploaded a beta version of EDColourEd with all the main functions more or less implemented and working. Read more...

WBTicTacToe is a rewrite of a small Workbench game I wrote about 15 years ago. It takes the standard Tic-Tac-Toe concept and adds the possibility of larger boards (4x4 and 5x5 are possible), as well as 3D and 4D boards to give it a bit more *cough* depth...

Windows version now also available!

BlitzLocale is a package that enables easy use of the AmigaOS Locale system within AmiBlitz programs, letting the program use strings from any language with an appropriate catalog file.

Version 1.1 now available, now including a missing include file and a couple of other little fixes. Read more...

On the Amiga, there's a wonderful little application by Daniel Westerberg, simply called BackUp. You simply give it a source and a destination directory, and it copied over all files that had newer file dates than the destination. No messing about with compression or tarballing, just ending up with an exact copy of your data, quickly and painlessly. I use it all the time on my Amiga, but I was never able to find anything similar for Windows - all the options out there were simply too complicated, full of advertising or tried to install toolbars in Internet Explorer (seriously, people still try this??).

So, after giving up trying to find one and doing my backups either by hand or using simple batch scripts, I decided to write my own backup application with similar features to Daniel's BackUp. And so RCBackup was born!

Version of RCBackup is now available for download, with some bugfixes and tweaks over the older version! Read more...

WAVRepair is a simple tool for repairing the headers of corrupt or damaged WAV files, and has recovered many otherwise unplayable files for me.

Version 1.2 of WAVRepair is now available for download for the Amiga, which fixes some bugs in previous Amiga versions. Version 1.0 has been released for Mac OS X! (PC version is on the to-do list.) Read more...

Atoms-X is a remake of an old game called Atoms I had on the Amiga years ago. It was written by a reader of one of the Amiga magazines of the time and they gave it away on their cover disk. Something reminded me of it recently, and I had a quick search for it. It turns out there are a couple of basic clones for Linux and Android, but none for the modern Amiga. So I decided to write my own version which is fully Workbench-friendly, and to include a computer opponent, something the original never had. Read more...
New Server!! has moved to a new server. Hopefully this will mean an end (or at least a reduction to normal levels) of all the downtime we've been having recently. Please let me know though if you find anything amiss!
My MP3 Jukebox
My current project. A Hi-Fi separates unit which can play MP3s from an internal hard drive, can be used with its own small LCD text display, or can use a TV for a better view of playlists etc. Based on an Amiga 1200 motherboard, laptop hard drive and the great MAS3507D DSP MPEG decoder chip. Read more...
A key part of the MP3 Jukebox project mentioned above is the software that runs the show. It started out solely for running the jukebox, but it's grown into a stand-alone player in its own right. Not only does it run on the low-end, MAS- player equipped jukebox hardware, but does a good job all the way up to software decoding and library managing under OS4.1. Read more...

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