SMBMounter About Screenshots Download
This is a simple little application I wrote because I have a few shares on my network which I connect to and disconnect from often. I had a folder full of scripts to manage this, but it was a bit of a pain when I wanted to edit the shares, passwords and what not. I also have a habit of accessing shares under Windows by going Start->Run... and entering \\server\share, which is another feature I miss on AmigaOS. I searched for something to do the job but couldn't find anything that worked the way I wanted it to, or at all! And so SMBMounter was born!
What is SMBMounter?
SMBMounter is a simple commodity with an easy-to-use GUI which allows you to
save a list of shares, create and edit them easily, and mount and unmount them at the click
of a button. Because it's a commodity, it will happily sit in the background and
pop up whenever required with a hotkey. It uses SMBFS to do the actual
nitty-gritty networking stuff, but takes the nasty edge off coming up with the
command-line arguments yourself. See the screenshots for an idea of what it is,
and download it from the downloads section!
SMBFS is available for 68k and OS4 Amigas from SourceForge here. The curent version at the time of writing is 1.102.