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SMBMounter version 1.5 is here! This update includes the following changes:
- Fixed bug that sometimes caused Intuition to slow down
- Added delayed retries for automounts when the host could not be reached, to cater for slow TCP stack startups for example
- Fixed bug where sometimes automounts would be attempted twice
You can download SMBMounter 1.5 using the link below.
A massive Thank You to the following people who provided the translations, as
well as valuable beta testing. You all helped me so much!
- Yannick Buchy (French)
- Hubert Maier (German)
- Amigo1 (Italian)
- Jaroslav Kabara (Czech)
- Enrique Mecklenburg (Spanish)
- Johan Banis (Dutch)
- Niels Bache (Danish)
- Blazej Jedras (Polish)
An updated version of the Italian catalog is also available for SMBMounter 1.4 & 1.5. This fixes a couple of typos in the original catalog. Thanks Samo79 for pointing them out! This can be copied directly into the catalogs/italiano drawer inside your SMBMounter drawer to replace the old version.